

WHY TOBACCO SMOKING IS DANGEROUS? ⭐ Tobacco is a highly habit forming agent. Several studieshave been shown that the first cigarette exposes theindividual and the addiction will occur even with thesecond or third ‘smoke’. ⭐Children of smoking parents acquire this habit more freely. ⭐The harmful ingredients taken up by the smoker andexhaled by him depend upon several factors such as thenumber of cigarettes smoked and their frequency, depthof inhalation, smoking the cigarette only partially or fullyand the environment in which the smoker smokes - whether open or confined space. ⭐ Inhalation of the exhaledsmoke by others nearby is termed passive smoking , whichis also associated with adverse effects in various degree. Tobacco smoking is Risk factor for  Various type of disease. chronic bronchitis emphysema  Oral cancer Lung  cancer Larynx cancer  esophagus cancer bladder cancer Kidney cancer Pancreas cancer cervix uteri Cancer Coronary heart disease hypertension strok...


What is TESTOSTERONE?  Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and anabolic steroid.  In male humans, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair. In addition, testosterone is involved in health and well-being, and the prevention of osteoporosis. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including frailty and bone loss. ROLE OF TESTOSTERONE IN ADULT 1   testosterone effects on sex organs . testosterone increase the size of penis,scrotum and testes after puberty.t testosterone is necessary for spermatogenesis. 2 testosterone effects on physical body & mentally.           - development of musculature after puberty         - increase the thickness of bones ,size of bones and strength of bone .     ...

5 food's for brain health

1 Oily fish  such as salmon, mackerel, herrings and sardines are rich in a nutrient called Omega 3, which is essential for development and maintenance of brain tissue. Nutritionists recommend two portions of oily fish a week as part of a balanced diet. Tinned or fresh is equally acceptable and both have good nutritional value. 2 Blueberries  High in antioxidants and a rich source of vitamin C, blueberries have been shown in many studies to guard against short term memory loss. Eating them can help aid Co-ordination and balance amongst other things. 3 Avocado  Often avoided because it is felt they have a high fat & cholesterol content, avocados facilitate blood flow to the brain, which is essential for keeping the mind alert and focused to concentrate on the stresses of the day. They can also help to reduce overall blood pressure in the body. 4 Pumpkin Seeds   Another rich source of Omega 3 oils and Zinc, they are perfect for any...

15 things mindful people do differently





“ Positive thinking  is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects  positive  results.” ... Having a  positive mindset  means making  positive thinking  a habit, continually searching for the silver lining and making the best out of any situation you find yourself in. 1. BELIEVE First, believe you have it, thatshows you are on the path ofgrowth, it shows you are ready tolearn and you are pro learning NEW stuff. Believe in your inner GUTS that's the first stage, there will be a fierce battle with doubt so believing itself isn't going be easy. The greatest battle ever fought is in the mind, it's within yourself:Something is always coming to challenge what you say you are and you have to be prepared and equipped to face it. Knowing fully well that everything you ever want is in you- the positive mindset is in you: you aren't really changing. you are only discovering who you really are and wh...

YOGA For healthy lifestyle - Basic knowledge of yoga

YOGA is a healthy way of life, originated in India. Now, it is believed to be a form of science accepted all over the world. The western culture is also accepting it as a healthy form of scientific exercise. Although the origin of yoga is obscure, it has a long tradition. Yoga for a common person contains the practices of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama,pratyahara, kriya and meditation, which are helpful to keep oneself physically fit, mentally alert and emotionally balanced. You development of an individual . Intrasting fact about yoga "yoga improves your BODY, MIND and SPIRITUAL POWER ' WHAT IS YOGA? The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from Sanskrit root yuj which means ‘join’ or ‘unite’.  This may be taken as the union of body, mind and soul, and is used in the literature both as an end as well as means.  As an end, yoga signifies ‘integration of personality’ at the highest level.  As means, yoga includes various practices and techniques which are employed t...