
Showing posts from January, 2019

14 Signs You’re An Emotionally Intelligent Person!!

1. You’re constantly striving to understand the human condition. You notice everything – the way someone hesitates before they speak, the way their eyes light up when they see someone they love. You often notice all the things other people seem to miss and you seek understanding for the logic and motivation behind how people behave. You want to understand the human condition from every angle because it helps give you insight and perspective on your own life. 2. You’re inherently curious about the way other people live. You love talking to people from varying cultures and backgrounds because you love learning about how other people live and what makes them tick. You enjoy seemingly random interactions with strangers because that’s where you can often learn the most about other people. 3. You’re self-aware about your shortcomings and strengths. You know the things about yourself that make you not such an ideal person and you’re also aware of the things that make you really g

How to Effectively Manage a Heavy Workload at Work!!

We’re all busy, but sometimes we go through periods where the work piles up and it seems like it might never end. You might have such a heavy workload that it feels too intimidating to even start. That’s when you need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and start looking at what’s working and what’s not working. Let's start😊 1. a knowledge you can't do it all Many of us have a tendency to think we can do more than we actually can. We take on more and more projects and responsibility and wear numerous hats. We all have the opportunity to have and take on more work than we can reasonably expect to get done. Unfortunately, our workload is not static. Even now, while you are reading this article, I’m guessing that your inbox is filling up with fresh new tasks. To make real, effective progress, you have to have both the courage and resourcefulness to say, “This is not working”. Acknowledge that you can’t do it all and look for better solutions. At any given

How To Make The law Of Attraction A Daily Habit

#1  . Focus On One Aspect At A Time T here are dozens of amazing Law of Attraction techniques. As time goes on, you’ll become adept at using many of them. However, when you’re first getting to grips with the Law of Attraction, experts that advise that you start by mastering one particular change to your daily routine. This is because of ego depletion. Our limited capacity for self-regulation, which makes it harder to sustain habits if we try to take on lots of them at once. Take a look at the  basic Law of Attraction exercises , and find the one you want to start with. Creative visualization  or  daily affirmations might be good choices, as they depend on very little previous knowledge and yet create tangible results. After a while, you can move on to focus on developing another daily Law of Attraction Habit. #2. Commit To A Month Of Effort There is mixed evidence regarding the length of time it takes to build a solid habit. Estimates tend to hover between 21 and 70 days.

7 Steps To Change Your Negative Mindset

The steps listed below are in order of what to look at first. They start by looking at the root cause which allows you to realise why you think the way you do. Then, you can look at ways to improve and change your negative mindset over time. 1 What is the cause of your negative mindset? This is a great place to start, because there will be a reason for the way that you think. So, I will list a few areas that you can think about to see if you can find the root cause. Look at your life and see if your negative mindset has stemmed from any of these areas: Past emotional trauma. Past or current illness. Living an unhealthy lifestyle. Chemical imbalance or nutritional deficiency. Parents/guardians/family/friends think and speak in a negative way. It is quite common for most people to realise that they negative thinking has stemmed from one of the above areas. For me it was all 5 areas. Although that was a bit of a shock to learn, it was also calming to know there wa