
Showing posts from December, 2019

5 food's for brain health

1 Oily fish  such as salmon, mackerel, herrings and sardines are rich in a nutrient called Omega 3, which is essential for development and maintenance of brain tissue. Nutritionists recommend two portions of oily fish a week as part of a balanced diet. Tinned or fresh is equally acceptable and both have good nutritional value. 2 Blueberries  High in antioxidants and a rich source of vitamin C, blueberries have been shown in many studies to guard against short term memory loss. Eating them can help aid Co-ordination and balance amongst other things. 3 Avocado  Often avoided because it is felt they have a high fat & cholesterol content, avocados facilitate blood flow to the brain, which is essential for keeping the mind alert and focused to concentrate on the stresses of the day. They can also help to reduce overall blood pressure in the body. 4 Pumpkin Seeds   Another rich source of Omega 3 oils and Zinc, they are perfect for any vegetarians out th